In fact there has been heaps of progress. It's just that my camera battery has been flat, or I've left my camera at the office, or I've done a quick look and dash the last few times I've visited the site.
So to fill you in :
- Windows are in - the glass bits I mean.
- The weather boards on the front of the house, which were rotten, have been replaced. Looks fab
- The bay window in Eliza's new room has been replaced. Incredible.
- The box gutters and downpipes are in.
- The joiner is making good progress with all the cupboards off site.
- James has selected the limestone for the benchtops. They winched huge slabs of stone so he could select the perfect colour for our house.
- Some of the new internal doors have arrived on site. Beautiful.
- An old Italian guy is making the staircase.
- The form work has gone in that massive hole, for the tank.
- New oven ordered.
- New bathroom stuff - toilets, taps, shower base have arrived.
- The plasterer starts this week - so we'll have walls! Exciting.
Yes mum and dad, your room will be ready.
1 comment:
Thankyou Darling !
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