Sunday, March 8, 2009

We've Got Walls !

What a difference some walls make!
Plaster board in the right place and the joint is starting to feel like a real house instead of a building site.

And the studio is taking shape in the roof, below.

This is the playroom for grown ups! Nothing kinky, mind. Far from it, actually.

A spot right at the top of the house for a bit of crochet, a place for painting, a quiet cuppa, some quilting, maybe some old fashioned needlework ... the odd haiku or blogging. Maybe I'll even twitter - that seems to be all the rage.

I can't wait to disappear into the studio and start a project or two ... or a better idea ... finish a project or three. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

The Bavintons said...

Maybe you can get some of Kevvie's Pink Bats for this area ?